Sentosa SA BKV Quantitative PCR Test

Quantitative assay for the detection of BKV


This research use only Sentosa SA BKV Quantitative PCR Test is a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based test intended for use in the detection and quantitation of BKV DNA using the Sentosa SX101 automatic extraction and pipetting system with the Sentosa SX Virus Total Nucleic Acid Kit v2.0, in conjunction with the Rotor-Gene® Q MDx 5plex HRM instrument.

For Research Use Only.  Not for use in diagnostic procedures. 


  • Combination of up to 4 tests in 1 run
    Increases laboratory efficiency and decreases time to result by up to 75%
  • Broad range of sample types across assays 
    Provides convenience when detecting different pathogens
  • Combination of up to 4 tests from a single sample
    Generates results for mutiple targets in the same sample efficiently
  • Fast turn-around time and minimal hands-on time
    Reduces human error
  • Broad linear range and low limit of detection
    Aids research efforts
  • Reporting in International Units (EBV & CMV)
    Aligns with global standardization of test results



Immunosuppression Flyer  RUO   EN



ProductPack SizeItem Number
Sentosa SA BKV Controls Set (8x3) RUO 8x3 300632
Sentosa SA BKV PCR Test (4x24) RUO 4x24 300090
Sentosa SA BKV PCR Test (4x48) RUO 4x48 300635
Sentosa SA BKV PCR Test (4x8) RUO 4x8 300089
Sentosa SA BKV Quantitation Controls (4x2) RUO 4x2 300094
Sentosa SA BKV Quantitation Standards (2x13) RUO 2x13 300093
Sentosa SA BKV Quantitative PCR Test Bundle (4x24) RUO 4x24 300115
Sentosa SA BKV Quantitative PCR Test Bundle (4x8) RUO 4x8 300116
Sentosa SX Virus Total Nucleic Acid Kit v2.0 (4x8) RUO 4x8 300043
Sentosa SX Whole Blood Kit (4x24) RUO 4x24 300253
Sentosa SX Virus Total Nucleic Acid Kit v2.0 (4x24) RUO 4x24 300044